


Dyckia is a genus of plants in the family Bromeliaceae, which is known for its diverse and striking members, including the pineapple. Dyckia plants are native to South America, particularly Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

Dyckia plants have rosettes of tough, often spiny, succulent leaves, typically grey-green or silver in color. These plants are often appreciated for their attractive and distinctive foliage. They produce tall flower spikes with bright orange or yellow flowers.

Being adapted to arid environments, Dyckia plants are quite drought-tolerant and can be grown in similar conditions to many other types of succulents. They prefer well-drained soil, bright light (though they can tolerate some shade), and infrequent watering.

Dyckias, with stiff and thorny leaves, prefer rocky and/or sunny areas and have a natural tendency to clump leading to thick, large mats. They are not technically succulents, as they do not store water in their leaves, but they do have similar thick, waxy foliage.

This is an 130mm pot, Picture is representative of what you will receive, but may vary slightly because no two succulents are the same.  

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