Why it's easy to love Euphorbias

All about Euphorbia

These plants are a favorite of mine. They look amazing in pots, and can become a strong feature in the home. Easy to care for, the only drawback is that sometimes they can get a bit large, but you can always keep them in check. Always, always wear gloves when working on Euphorbia though, as they produce a white milky sap which can be poisonous. These plants are really hardy and rarely have any problems with insects.

Euphorbia Cowboy, looks great in a pot

Euphorbia Cowboy, looks great in a pot

I have Euphorbia milii planted in the garden and they reward me with flowers year round. All sorts of colours, red, white, hot pink and soft apricot. Little birds love them and will often build their nests in among the thorns so they are protected from bigger predators.


They really are an amazing family of plants with so many differing types. Euphorbia tirucalli firesticks grows into a beautiful showy plant turning into a rainbow of colours during the winter months. Euphorbia cowboy grows into a striking dark green solid plant and is often used as a plant feature in the home. Euphorbia medusa or caput-medusae is just as the name suggests and has a number of green arms sprouting out of a central head. E. Meloformis and E. obesa (aka baseball plant) are smaller rounder shaped euphorbia.

E. Tirucalli Firesticks is a showy plant but be careful of it’s particularly harmful white sap.

E. Tirucalli Firesticks is a showy plant but be careful of it’s particularly harmful white sap.

How to care for your Euphorbia

Plant in a well-drained potting medium and only water when dry. Most varieties will take full sun but I seem to get a much nicer plant by giving them some shade during the day. You can also put them inside the house in nice pots. Make sure they get some sun though. It’s a good idea to take them outside sometimes to get some fresh air.  

Euphorbia for sale

Check out our range of Euphorbia for sale